Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I had to share...

I had to share these adorable pics, because, well, they're just too cute not too.



Last school year, my dear friend Shauna and I swapped kids twice a week. One Tuesday she would watch my little miss Natalie, and Mr Caleb while I had a few hours of mommy time, and then on Wednesday I would watch her two sweet kiddos Ella & Ty while she helped in the classroom. The next week we'd switch it up, and she'd have mommy time, and I'd help in the classroom. It was a wonderful set-up, and it was perfect that the boys were the same age, as well as our little girls. (and we got to spend time with our older boys Josh & Jake while helping in their 1st grade class)

I will miss her sweet friendship and all the wonderful things I've learned from her. I will miss our kiddos playing together, and I will miss these silly little girls.

(thank you Shauna, for taking these cute pictures, and for everything, we'll miss you guys so much)


Unknown said...

we will miss you too!
I can't believe you are going!
i am happy and sad....
we are going to have to invite ourselves to stay in your giant new house(wink wink)

beck said...

super cute pics! how do you get your pictures so big on your blog?

... said...

Come on http://selenia-levolchanel.blogspot.com

Balika Vadhu said...

Nice Pics...