Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm almost done..

Done with what you may ask..

Christmas shopping!!

I have exactly two gifts left to purchase, and then I'm done...with the shopping part.

I do need to finsih quite a few handmade gifts, but a huge load will be off my mind when the actual visitng of stores, or shopping online has finished.

My deadline..before Thanksgiving.

Which is roughly three days away!!

Wish me luck!!


Mary said...

I am so impressed!

Between our upcoming move and leaving for a 3-week trip to Utah soon after, I haven't even begun to think of Christmas! We get to Utah on the 17th, so I'll have a week to do my shopping at a mad dash :)

beck said...

what kind of handmade gifts are you doing? i love those. i had planned on doing a lot but it is now just one HUGE one for the girls.

Rachelle said...

nice! i'm almost done too!

but i won't be done in 3 days.

so....see you soon, k??!!

eight muddy feet said...

Becky~ I am so excited to see what you're making for the girls!!

Mary~ I'm sure you'll have tons of shopping time in Utah

Rachelle~ Can't wait to see you next week chicky!!