Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Day Trip - Part 1

What a fun eventful Memorial Day Weekend!!

The kids were out of school on Friday, as well as Monday and Tuesday, which made for a delightful 5 day weekend.  We took an extra day (on top of the 5!!), and left Wednesday afternoon to start our trek. 

We drove seperate cars (as Dave was driving up a truck for his brother Andy) and made it to Mesquite that first night.  We arrived with all the kids sleeping, and were even able to carry them in, put them to bed, and have them stay asleep.  The first time this has ever happened in over 10 years of travelling with kids!!

Thursday afternoon we arrived in Ephraim to take a small breather before packing up again and heading north to enjoy a graduation bbq for my neice Jennifer.  Congrats Jenn!! I can't believe that when Dave and I started dating you were just a tiny baby, my how time flies!! 

We stayed the night with Doug & Amy (thanks again guys!) and the girls played dress-up, while the boys enjoyed some lego time.




We were able to visit with our dear friends the Reeves on Friday, and enjoy a little Cafe Rio before heading back to Grandma & Grandpa's in Ephraim...

1 comment:

Mary said...

I love those dress-up pictures. What cuties! Cousin time is great! We can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!