Wednesday, June 16, 2010

G*ld Star

Usually I post about what the kiddos have done, or things we have done as a family.  Very rarely, do I get to give a huge congratulations to my rockstar of a husband.

So, here ya go...

Today Dave received a huge award from Micros*ft, the G*ld St@r Award.  This is an award that you must be nominated for, and is really a big big deal.  It also comes with a sizable cash reward, which is even more awesome.

But, my favorite, favorite part is..

That others have recognized how dedicated he is, and how he truly is such a hard worker.  We have comforted ourselves many times with just the knowledge that he has put forth his best effort, and that no one can challenge is amazing integrity or work ethic. 

Sometimes it's nice just knowing that others do notice.

Way to go babe, you totally earned this!!


Cheryl said...


Trish said...

That's AWESOME! Way to go Dave! You Rock! Now, how are we going to spend that cash reward Tash?! HAHA! Just Kidding ;-)

Mary said...

Congratulations Dave! You really are a hard worker and it's awesome you are getting recognized for it!!