Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day

The kids woke early Christmas morning, and bounded into our room. We had placed wrapping paper over the doorway leading down the stairs, so that all children could be present before they made the great descent downstairs.

Mommy and daddy got ourselves out of bed, with the little bit of sleep we were able to enjoy the night before, and assembled the kiddos at the top of the stairs. We removed the paper, snapped a few pictures and then the festivities of Christmas morning began.

Daniel got an electric guitar with amp, Caleb got a PowerWheels, and Josh got remote control helicopters. Natalie is pretty in pink with her new chair and blanket and thanks to craigslist we were able to get some big toys this year, and still stay within our budget. We look to forward to returning home and playing with all their fun toys.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Sounds like a fun day! We papered the top of our stairs too so our sneaky kids wouldn't make it downstairs before we did! It worked too - around 7 a.m., we heard a tearing sound, and then another and another before we grabbed Rand and put in him in bed with us so that Lindsey could sleep a little longer after their late night of playing.

Fun pictures!