Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua!!

Today Josh turned 6 years old!!
In true "joshie fashion" as he woke up and started getting ready for school, he said "Hey guys, today is a special day!" And that it is.
My sweet boy is growing into such an amazing person. He as an amazing light that shines in his big bright smile. His witty and unusual comments can always bring a smile to my face. I had no idea I would be having such intellectual conversations with him, when he was only three. He has always been interested, in well, everything. How things work, why things are the way they are. Always asking questions, and better yet insight as well.
I was reflecting back to the morning he was born, just a week before Christmas. When we got home we took tons of pictures, even with him in a Christmas stocking. He was so little, sweet and precious. And now six years later, I still think of him, as just that, precious.
Happy Birthday sweet boy, for making us laugh, making us think, and always wanting to snuggle and offer big hugs. Exciting things are in store for you, I can't wait to be a part of it.


Sassy Lu said...

Happy Birthday Josh!!! He looks so grown up in that picture! Have a fun day for a fun boy!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday Josh! We just love that little guy - he's so fun!

(I just realized that we have 2 nephews with the same birthday - my sister Erin's baby turns one today. Interesting, eh?)