Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Anniversary..

On Saturday, we celebrated our 11 year Anniversary. 11 years!! Really. We were very fortunate to clebrate this year in style on our actual day, which of course is definitley not the norm. We drove up to LA and saw the musical WICKED at the Pantages Theatre.

We have been listening to the music for months, and our eager anticipation to see it, and figure out babysitting all came together perfectly. We took the kids down to my parents early Saturday morning, and swapped cars with them so they could bus our kids around for the afternoon. They had plans that afternoon at my Dad's club for a holiday family party. The kids bounced in a jumpy house, and sat on Santa's lap, while almost two hours to the north we celebrated just the two of us.

The musical was fantastic. It was a combination of an amazing theatre, where I thouroughly doubt there is a bad seat in the house. The amazing architecture of this grand building, and the attention to detail wowed us. The score to this musical is amazing, and to sit awe struck for three hours and listen to well trained voices blending in perfect harmony was such a treat. We felt so blessed to enjoy this indulgence, and how grateful I am to have a guy that loves this stuff like I do.

On our way home we did the math. 11 years, 4 kids, a total of 6 different jobs between the two of us, 5 cars (two of which we still have), 4 different cities we've lived in, countless blessings, and all because two teenagers locked eyes in freshman typing class. We've known each other for over 18 years, and it still seems like yesterday that I got butterflies just thinking of him. We both feel so grateful to be married to our best friend, and our marriage and our children are my best and greatest accomplishments.

Thank you sweetheart for being my better half in every way.


Mary said...

Happy Anniversary! Your date sounds like it was awesome! Sometime, we'll have to get together and celebrate our anniversaries together!

Sassy Lu said...

What a great anniversary!!! I'm so happy that you were able to have such a fantastic little get-away! Joe also loves musicals and plays. I guess we can thank G&M for that. When I realize that I have been with Joe for over half of my life, it's just crazy! The 11 years of marriage for y'all is a lot, but when you say you met 18 yrs ago, that's seems bizarre!!! We're not that old! Also, whenever I hear "Walking on the Sun" by Smashmouth, I always think of your wedding reception. How weird is that? Anyway, I'm thankful Dave grabbed onto you!