Sunday, January 24, 2010

Divide and Conquer

Such was the theme of our day of Saturday fun. 

We wanted to do something for the kids that was different from the last few weeks, which involved letting them watch us (Mom and Dad) while we cleaned the garage. 

We thought of taking them to a movie, but the little ones really have a hard time sitting through movies.  To keep the little ones occupied usually means the older ones are bored, this of course excludes Disneyland and the beach. 

So with the weather uncertain we planned a day for all, and a little divide and conquer.  Dave took the two oldest boys to see Avatar (which we had both seen previously), while I was downstairs at Jump 'n Jammin, an indoor playplace with climbing and bouncing. 

Caleb and Natalie had a great time climbing though tubes and tunnels, sliding down slides and bouncing to their hearts content, while the older boys enjoyed the fantastical world of Avatar.

In a few years we may be able to tackle a family movie day together, but for now I'm perfectly happy knowing that everyone had a fun day in their own different ways, and kind of together.

Divide and Conquer, sometimes it's the only way to go!!

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