Friday, January 15, 2010

ONE of my many New Years resolutions..

At the start of this year, I made my list of New Years Resolutions, including being more organized, working on spiritual growth, and enjoying my children even more.

I also made a promise to myself to dress better, and to find my sense of style before I hit 35.  I have a year and a half to educate myself and build up my wardrobe.  I am finally after four children back to the size (or even under) where I was before I got married.  But losing weight doesn't mean a dang thing if you don't know how to dress yourself. 

My closet is bare, and it is so tempting to run out and buy a bunch of cheap shirts in multiple colors so that I have something to wear.  But I will not, I will resist.

Thanks to my lovely friend at Cardigan Empire, I have determined that I am a pear.  Yes, even at my lowest weight in ten (yikes, maybe more) I am still a pear. 

So it is important for be to accentuate my waist (now that I have one again) and minimize my bottom half.

I have made myself three promises:

1.  Do not buy anything unless I am totally in love with it.  This means even if it is on sale, and it is cute, but not so cute on me, I am not allowed to buy it.

2.  Only purchase figure flattering pieces that will bring out the best me.

3.  Think quality not quantity.

Now don't get me wrong I will still have my drawer of work out clothes, and my mommy uniform for hangin' out at home with the kiddos and catching sticky fingers and messes.  I will also have my beach attire that will not consist of stylishness and substance.

I am just trying to slowly build a wardrobe of cute stylish clothes that will last with me for the next 10 years, or even more. 

Now to sell some of those clothes that no longer fit, so I can buy some new stuff!!

To find out your own shape and how to dress it, get out your measuring tape and click here for more instructions!!  Then click on the icons on the right toolbar to see which one you are.


Kelly Woolley said...

good for you! you look great!

Cheryl said...

That's great. I went through the same thing a couple of years ago. I've always said it took me 8 years to get all that weight I gained with Ryan(60#!)off. I, too, am a pear shape. There's some really nice clothes out there for our shape. Have fun shopping for those new clothes!