Sunday, February 21, 2010

Random Thoughts..

I am sick of sickness.  - My house is currently a combination of coughing, runny noses, and utter destruction.  I suppose that's what you get when you have three kiddos in school who pick up the germies, and lovingly pass them on to the rest of us.

Vacuums rock! - For some reason unbeknownst to me we have excessive amounts of crumbs, dirt, and small pieces that find their way onto our floors, especially the carpet.  We run the vacuum at least once a day, and when we do, I almost feel like everything is new and pretty again, until it isn't :)

I love jammies - They are truly a favorite of mine, and to own a pair that are super comfy are the best.  My favorites are two pair that I recently treated myself to as an early Christmas present.  They are from Gap, and of course I got them on sale, but I would have paid full price for these babies as they are amazing!!

My boys are growing up - I see it every day in their comments and the way they carry themselves.  I also see what gentlemen they are becoming, and their sweet sensitive hearts in action.  This is truly what makes me the most proud.

I feel yucky when I don't exercise - The last week and half have been crazy busy, or littered with sickness.  During this time working out has been pretty much impossible.  I haven't even made time to do a quick workout at home.  I feel sluggish and my energy is lacking.  Eating right is only part of the solution, and next week I will be better!!

Looking forward to a fresh start tomorrow, the family getting over this sickness, and tackling some goals, and things on that dang to do list!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I hope you all feel better soon! Having sick kids isn't any fun!