Friday, February 12, 2010


So many of you know that I do custom vinyl signs...

Lots of enrichments and Super Saturdays for church, and of course individual requests. With a busy toddler, I have mostly put it on hold, and taken requests as they come.

Recently my talented friend Melissa that owns her own children's clothing company asked me to do a few signs for their upcoming trade shows. Most were one color, simple logos. But one request was for a five color banner with their logo for their girls line. It was something I had never tried, but determined, I pressed on.

Here is the finished result. I'm a little impressed with myself that I did it in a few hours with children climbing on the table trying to assist me.

If you like this, you'll love her kids clothes, so cute and unique. Click here to see more...



Kelly Woolley said...

Impressed, yes!! I need to put an order in with you for a romantic saying for our bedroom.

Mary said...

That is so cute and looks very professional! You did a great job Tasha!

beck said...

that turned out super cute! way to go!