Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break Recap

What a crazy week!! After the egg hunt at the park, and dye-ing easter eggs, we dropped off Dave at LAX.  He was travelling to Germany for work, and some reminiscing of his mission days.

Sunday, we enjoyed a lazy morning of finding easter baskets, chocolate chip pancakes and conference.  We then got ready and made our way down to my parents for an easter dinner and egg hunt.  Back at home that evening, three kids threw up, one on me, and not much sleep was had by mommy. 

What a way to start the week!!

After that, they were done.  No more puking, and a few loads of laundry later, we were back on track. 

Monday, we played it pretty low key just to be sure everyone was well.

Tuesday, we picked up some friends and made our way to Zoomars, where we pet guinea pigs, hamsters, bunnies, and goats.  The little ones rode the train, and it was a beautiful sunny day.





Wednesday was beach day.  What more can you say? Fantastic!!

Thursday we hit the park, and made homemade cookies.

Friday, Little Miss started looking pale, and then decided to empty the entire contents of her little tummy again and again.  She and I played sicko most of the day.  Thank goodness for the XBOX and all the movies we have loaded on it.  I didn't have to get up once, and we watched at least a dozen movies!!

Saturday was lazy bum day.  The weather was getting colder and I really didn't feel up to taking the kiddos anywhere, plus we were on the mend!!  They found various ways to entertain themselves and Daniel even made dinner (quesadillas).  I have such awesome kids!!

Sunday we went to church and then picked up Daddy from the airport.  YAY! We then feasted on German chocolates, and treasures from his trip.  We are so happy to have him home!!

Although it was a crazy, sick filled, fun filled, laundry filled week. I was so grateful for no schedules.  We didn't have to be anywhere at any specific time, and the kiddos were great. 

It was such a tease though, now I can't wait for summer to get here!!

1 comment:

Kelly Woolley said...

no schedules are the best! we love zoomars as well. except for all the allergy meds i have to take just to make it through the day!! so sorry to hear you had the sickies at your house! we need to hit the park again when the weather get's better!