Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Can't beat 'em, join 'em

Yesterday, we had record high temperatures.

Here in SC, we reached 100 degrees. A number we don't even see at the height of summer. We usually linger in the high 70's and 80's, maybe a 90's here or there, but never ever do we pass a two digit number. The worst part is that it came out of nowhere, and in April of all times. That is not spring weather!!

So, we escaped the heat as best as we could. Lots of time spent running errands in the air conditioned car, and then yesterday after school I retreated to the beach with the kids and the neighbor kid next door. The kids had a blast, and surprisingly the water didn't even seem that cold. I guess you throw in some super hot rays from Mr. Sun and the water seems refreshing no matter how cold it is. The kids dug holes, jumped waves, and just enjoyed the break.

We left after 5pm, and do you know what the temp said on my car...

95 degrees.

5pm, and it's still 95 degrees. INSANE.

We came home, cleaned up, and played outside while the sun set, and the air started to cool. It was still a hot evening, which makes sleeping not so fun, and was a late night for Dave and I as we opted to stay up, rather than toss and turn in the heat of our bedroom.

This morning I woke up and felt a chill, yes, it was cold this morning. The insane heat wave is passing, and as I sit here and type I feel a cool, yes cool breeze. The temp gauge on the car said 76 when I picked up Josh from school, so even though warmer than normal, it is coming down.

Does this mean my excuse for not being productive is gone?

I think that's OK, as for the first time in the last two days, I actually feel like doing something...maybe put the Easter decorations away or tidy up the pantry.

Yes, it's probably time.

Welcome back Mr. Spring, for I have much to do before Ms. Summer arrives.

1 comment:

Sassy Lu said...

Wow! You've had such fun times lately! It has really started to heat up around here as well. I think we only got up to 86 or so the other day, but the humidity was in full force. Yuck!! I love Spring too and I can definetly wait a bit longer for summer!