Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Got Milk?

So, my sweet little miss is becoming quite the little stinker. Thanks to her cunning wit and smarts she has learned things far faster than the boys did, after all she does have some excellent teachers.
Her newest talent, opening the fridge and perusing it for her latest snack. Sometimes she brings me or the boys a can of whip cream, or a jar of pickles to open. She really is quite strong, and sometimes I have to laugh at the items she heaves out and carries across the room to me. Sadly, I usually refuse to open whatever she has brought me, and offer her some string cheese or apples, which are met with such sadness. I do occasionally indulge her and serve up some whip cream for breakfast, which is met with delight until she yearns for another treasure from the fridge.
Well, yesterday Caleb ran upstairs chanting "baby did it, baby did it." I honestly think he was quite pleased not to be the culprit in another mess. I noticed white spots on his face as I quickly ran downstairs to see what happened. As I walked into the kitchen I noticed that our floors had become very white (we have wood floors), and that a small cup sat in the middle of the large white lake. My dear little girl was evidently very parched and needed a drink immediately. So she did what every little one and half year old would do, she pulled the full gallon of milk from the refrigerator, unscrewed the cap, and poured herself a glass. Granted she may have missed the cup by a little and spilled half of the gallon on the floor, but I am sure she is feeling much better after her refreshment.

Today she spilled the other half filling up her sippy cup.

The milk has been moved to a much higher shelf, and I am looking into a lock for the fridge.

Got milk?


Mary said...

She and Rand need to hang out. He learned to open the fridge way sooner than Lindsey did, and has been making huge messes ever since. My favorite, though, was early one morning, before the sun rose, he snuck down to the kitchen and got out a mostly full gallon of milk and carried it up the stairs into my room to wake me up so I could fill up a cup for him, announcing, "Mom, I so strong!" Yikes!

Sassy Lu said...

Oh these kids! thankfully, Brady can't open our side by side fridge in the kitchen, but he can open the one out in the garage. His favorite thing to pull out are eggs. He also confuses oranges with balls and then throws and ruins them before anyone can eat them. I don't know if Brady is strong enough to carry an entire gallon of milk. Miss Natalie must be ripped! lol

eight muddy feet said...

Caleb brings us the gallon, to fill up his cup, and so Natalie learned from him. Evidently she is more independent, because she took us out of the loop, and decided she could do it herself. Such a little imp!!

They do keep us busy don't they!! Thankfully they're cuteness makes up for some of it!!