Thursday, June 18, 2009

School's Out for Summer...

Schools Out....for Summer..

The boys started off their day early at school, and the little ones and I got ready to run errands. Once everyone was dressed we stopped at Wal-Mart for some last minute teacher gifts, that looked super cute with the pretty wired pink and orange ribbon I found there. I then bought summer treats: new markers, pencils, watercolors, tape, glue, sidewalk chalk, you name it, we bought it. We are all stocked up for summer crafts and yes, it's all washable!!

We then made our way over to the school. Josh was having a huge Kindergarten blowout with fun carnival games all day long. Natalie and Caleb played amongst all the other little siblings, and I chatted it up with some of my other mommy friends. As they took a break for their pizza lunch, I grabbed the kids and made my way over to the field for the 3rd grade extravaganza. They were busy doing different relay races, and I caught Daniel as he was about to take his turn in one. The goal was to dress up in all the clothes, then run to the other side and disrobe. Daniel found himself with a blue sparkly skirt, oven mits, vest, a funky hat, purple boa, and purple high heeled shoes. It was too cute and fun!!

We gave the teachers their gifts, said our goodbyes and then Josh officially graduated from Kindergarten. He is now officially a First Grader!!

As a treat to the newest grad, we celebrated with lunch at Burger King (his choice) and I even let them get a kid's meal. (I know what a softie!!)

We came home and opened all the new craft items and dove in with such vigor. My dining room table is covered, but that also means the kiddos are entertained.

Daniel finished his day at school, and then left for his co-ed pool party. It was hosted by two sisters, one of which was in his class. When I arrived to pick him up I only counted three other boys, and there were over a two dozen little girls. He played basketball, volleyball, and swam in this gigantic pool.

The best part was echoed over, and over by both parents, and the grandparents (it was their ginormous house) what a sweet, polite, good boy Daniel is. That all the girls say how nice he is to them, and how he was so good and helpful through the entire party.

How fantabulous do I feel, just getting to be his mother!! I'm so lucky!!

Then back home for pizza party with mommy (flying solo till Daddy comes home tomorrow), more crafts, movies, and dancing silly in the living room, followed by nummy mint and chip banana splits.

What a fun day, and a great start to summer.

The only question is..

How do I top this??

Oh wait, Daddy comes home tomorrow, that works!!

1 comment:

Sassy Lu said...

What a great day! You are a lucky lady to have such wonderful kids! Wait, luck has little to do with are their mother afterall! Enjoy your time with Dave. Joe and Cooper have been gone since Monday and will be back tomorrow. I'm ready for them to be back too! Have a great summer with those cute kiddos!