Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer, Lights and Planes

We're in the final stretch.

The last week of school, the start of summer. No more schedules, and a lot less picking up and dropping off.

Last night we visited D-land to watch their summer "Nightastic" series and see the Electrical Light Parade. I haven't seen it in years, and it was so nostalgic hearing the familiar sights and sounds of the parade. I actually owned the record as a little girl, and would play it endlessly making up dances and shows choreographed to the music. I also found out that Dave had never seen it before, so he was able to enjoy it for the first time with the kids. It was crazy mayhem with all the summer visitors, so we are indeed thankful that the rest of June, and all of July are blacked out for our passes. We'll see you again dear friend, but more towards the end of August, with less people!!

The boys are out of school in two days. Josh has a huge kindergarten bash planned with carnival games, and all sorts of fun treats. Daniel is having a picnic with all the other 3rd graders, and was one of very few boys to be invited to a an end of the year pool party hosted by two girls from his class. Evidently he is such a nice boy to all of the girls, and is the only one that doesn't tease them or make fun of them. He follows in the footsteps of his daddy.

Dave made an impromtu visit to WA today, and will return Friday morning, just in time to kick off the summer festivities. I'm thinking a day at the beach with watermelon and then a BBQ for dinner.

Yay Summer, you're almost here, we can hardly wait!!

(mommy may be a tad bit more excited than the boys, but don't tell!!)

1 comment:

Sassy Lu said...

How do you stay so optimistic all the time Tasha? Oh, that's right....you're amazing! Seriously, I love hearing about all the little adventures you have with your family. Happy Summer!