Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm a little afraid to write this post. I may jinx it.

No, I think we are finally there.

Caleb is fully potty-trained!!

Over a year ago, he was potty trained with #1, and around Christmas he could sleep through the night and stay dry. I used up the last of the pull-ups, and bought cute Lightning McQueen under-roos. We were done, and ready for big boy underwear.

OK, we were so not done!!

We had quite the difficulty with #2. He would do well for weeks at a time, then he would regress. I tried being sad, angry, guilting him, offering him treats and sweets. Nothing worked.

So we spent a week with no underwear. I will force him to use the potty for #2. My sweet little boy turned into a dog, and starting going on the patio or grass. Gross, yes I know. I had to clean it up! The best was that afterwards he would come in, and wipe himself. He was fully aware of what he just did, and the need to clean himself. But felt no need to be civilized and use the toilet, like a normal human.

So the underwear went back on. He did well for another couple of weeks, yay we're done..

not yet..

He then started going #2 in his underwear, then going to the bathroom to empty his underwear, flush it down the toilet and wipe himself.

Closer, but we were still missing that key element. Yes child , you need to sit on the toilet and then do your business, and then wipe, and then pull up the underwear.

So he has been doing it, successfully for the last few days, no, it hasn't been days it's been weeks. Four weeks to be exact, and entire month. Something clicked while we were beach camping, and I think we are finally there.

Now don't get me wrong, I know there may be an occassional oops here and then. He is after all a boy, and playing outside or busily building Legos may prevent him from making that a priority. But, I think we are finally there!!

Way to go buddy, I'm so proud of you!!
(and so ready for this!!)


Sassy Lu said...

What an exciting day! I had a child like's such a relief when the day finally comes!!! Great job!

Mary said...

Congratulations! It is so much work to make #2 happen isn't it? We are working on it with Rand right now and it is not clicking yet, which makes for gross clean ups at least once a day, usually while we are at the park...sigh...