Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My boy is growing up..

When Daniel was a little guy I used to dress him in adorable collared shirts and polos.  One day when he was still quite little, maybe three, he decided that collared shirts were for church only, and refused to wear them on any day except Sunday.

As I passed down these same shirts Josh delighted in wearing them, and even preferred them over plain old tees.  I guess this just shows indeed how different my children are from one another.

Well this last week as I was looking online for new shoes for Daniel, and showing him pictures so he could approve, he asked sheepishly,

"Can you get me some plaid and striped shirts too?". 

I told him that most striped and plaid shirts were collared, so he was kind of out of luck. 

"That's OK, he said.  I want them to be collared."

I couldn't believe it.  My child is growing, changing, evolving.  He picked out a few striped polos, and rather loud plaid shirts and I ordered them. 

The package arrived yesterday, and I seperated out his items. I casually told him that his stuff had come in, and knowing how he doesn't get excited about clothes, I mean at all, I really wasn't expecting much of a response.  Instead he surprised me again by running into the house, and inspecting each and every one. 

Still hesitant to see if these were after all what he was after, I asked.

"So what do you think?".

"They're perfect, he replied. I can't wait to wear them tomorrow!"

Really are you kidding, he's excited to wear his new shirts and shoes tomorrow?? My oldest, that hated collared shirts, and clothes in general, is now interested in picking out his clothes, and excited to wear them?

Wow, is really all I have to say!

I just love my kiddos so much, because they continue to surprise, and impress me.


1 comment:

beck said...

its gotta be a girl