Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's like Christmas

Before I get started don't you just love the patriotic theme. Memorial Day so often gets forgotten, except of course for the three day weekend. So instead of just remembering our valiant soldiers on that day, I decided to think of them and honor them in special ways this whole week. More on that later..

So, today feels special. There is something in the air. It's like Christmas, and Santa and his sleigh are delivering a brand new super lush and plush king size bed for my honey and me, and a new bunkbed for the boys.

I've spent all weekend and the start of this week cleaning my bedroom of all the clothes and wonderful toys the kids have hid in there. It is now cleaned and vacuumed, along with their room. This morning I am cleaning the front room, and going through all those piles on my dining room table. I mean Santa (delivery man) only deserves our little house to be it's cleanest when he makes his delveries. What if he was dissapointed with the sight, and decided not to leave them in my care. No, no I must put my best foot forward.

Plus that means that before the weekend the upstairs, and downstairs would be spic and span, and since I finally finished the last load of laundry, I could play all weekend if I wanted, and relax in the luxury of my tidy little house.

Lots to do this morning, but by late this afternoon our gifts will have arrived, and you can bet I'll be enjoying a well deserved nap on my brand new bed (if the kid's let me that is!!)


Sassy Lu said...

Yay! That is so exciting. You must post pictures. Have Dave take one of you napping. lol

Mary said...

How's the new bed? Way to go on all the cleaning - doesn't that make you feel so accomplished?