Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Whirlwind Weekend

We started off the weekend with a healthy start, as we ran/walked a 4.6 mile coastal trail near our home. We started with the little ones in the stroller, but soon Caleb got antsy and wanted out. Once he was out he just ran. He got a sizable distance in front us, before I decided to run ahead and catch up. As I did, he announced "run mommy". I did, and it felt great. As he started to slow, I would slow to a walk. He wouldn't have that, and he would say again "run mommy". I couldn't believe how a 4 year old could push me to keep up the pace. I found myself a new running buddy. The weather started to warm and we finished the loop back at our car.

After a light lunch, and playing with the puppy, we headed to a "Strawberry Festival" in a nearby city. The kids enjoyed some fair rides, and gigantic strawberry shortcakes. We finished up the day with the "Super Slide" and tired kiddies and mommy and daddy.

Sunday was a relaxing day, with a waffle breakfast and Dave and I subbing in Nursery for some friends. That evening we enjoyed a yummy BBQ steak dinner with all the fixins.

Monday we packed up and headed to the beach. It was suppose to be an overcast day with highs in the 60's. We weren't there more than a half hour, before the sun peeked out and it turned into a beautiful sunny day. The kids had fun digging holes, and playing in the waves. I enjoyed having my sweetie by my side, and another adult to converse with. By the time we left it was in the 80's. We came home for snacks and red, white, and blue popsicles (very festive!!), and noisy messy poppers that the boys loved. We had another nummy BBQ with homemade huge hamburgers that are making me hungry just thinking about them.

It was a wonderful weekend of family time.
(and I do have pics, but I'll have to post those tomorrow, so stay tuned!!)


Sassy Lu said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend! You must be rockin' in your bathing suit these days! I don't think I'll ever be a runner, but I admire anyone who gives it a whirl! You go girl!

P.S. I LOVE the new look of your blog!

Mary said...

What a great weekend! All that beach time and 2 bbqs!! What I'm mostly wishing I had right now, though, is those giant strawberry shortcakes you mentioned. Sounds delish!