Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yay Weekend!!

It's here, the weekend, and I'm so so ready. It's been a crazy week with much a happenin, so I'm looking forward to just playing with my family. If I tackle a few projects, even better!!

We're starting off this wonderful Memorial Day weekend with a run/walk at the beach. They have this great path that is right on the beach, but just up from the "beach sand" that has a rougher surface. Perfect for a jogging stroller, mountain bike, and a few kids bikes thrown in. We should be a sight to see. Then packed lunches, and naps for the little ones (I wish I was little, I want a nap too). Then errands to run, and back home for BBQ and movie night. Sweet and simple, but so wonderful.

Our Memorial Day plans are still a bit undecided. There are many events happening in our fair little town, especially that we are right next to Camp P. I really want the kids to take something special from this day, as do I.

Have a wonderful weekend, and please remember those brave men and women that gave their lives so that we can enjoy the many freedoms that we have today.

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