Sunday, May 17, 2009

Productive Weekend

Last weekend found us busy. With celebrating Caleb's 4th Birthday, and enjoying a relaxing Mother's Day at home, we had some wonderful family time. We didn't however get too much crossed off our ever increasing T0 Do list.

This weekend was a very different story.

We started the day off early with some yard work, and Dave was able to tackle the weeds that had grown out of control on the perimeter of the lawn. I squeezed in a hair appointment, can you believe I haven't had my hair cut since last year!! (Note to self: Be better about this!!)

We ordered a new bunkbed for the boys off of craigslist that will be delivered this week. It has a trundle, so we can have all three boys in the same room, and then someday when we have more rooms, it can be used for sleepovers and kid guests. We also picked up a twin mattress, toddler mattress, and boogie boards for this summer's beach camping trip. I so love craigslist! Oh, and all for under $50 (bunkbed not included)

We then threw the kids in the car and ventured out for some more errands. We finally stopped at a nearby mall to let the kids stretch their legs, and grab a bite to eat. Dave has been interested in getting a new BBQ that does both gas and charcol so we thought we'd check out the selection at Sears. Unfortunately, they didn't have much to look at, so I ventured over to the selection of beds, while Dave and the kids checked out the sporting goods section. The saleslady was amazing and so helpful, she had me try a gazillion beds, and at first, they all felt amazing. Then I really started to notice a difference. So long story short, we got an amazing deal and bought a new, very nice, and needed bed for ourselves. Our current one is almost 12 years old, and we can now cross this off our To Do list.

We feel so good getting things that we need, and have actually budgeted for. It felt so good paying cash for all the above items. Now I have even more incentive to get rid of some items in our own garage and throw some of our stuff on craigslist for some cash-o-la!!

I can't wait to sleep on my brand new bed, and get the boy's room all set up for them.

I still need to make a quilt for Natalie's toddler bed, but

we're at least one step closer!!


Mary said...

Yahoo for Craigslist furniture! We love our "new" bunk bed and I'm sure your boys will love theirs too! Fun weekend!

Sassy Lu said...

What a productive weekend. They boys bed will be a great addition....but hooray for a new bed for Dave and Tasha!!!

Since we're on the bed Natalie already in a toddler bed? All of my others kids would have been by now, but I'm having a hard time letting go of Brady in the crib.

eight muddy feet said...

Val, I wish I could help ya, but we never did the crib thing with our three youngest kids. (Except for the fact that it's still sitting in our garage!

We usually co-slept till they were about a year and a half, and then moved them out before the new baby came. Natalie is 20 mo, and I think she's ready for the toddler bed, but we'll have it in our room for now!!

Good Luck!!