Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Philosophical


This morning as I was getting ready, I looked in the mirror, and I noticed this brown ponytail with strands that had been touched by the sun. I laughed to myself, because it was only two months ago that I wanted that same ponytail to be red. Yes, you heard it, RED!!

I wanted something different, a change, and I thought red was so striking, and I do in fact have one redhead (possibly two). So why not?

I called my hairdresser and made an appointment. She replied with "for a trim?" and I enthusiastically said "No, some color". She hesitated and then told me to bring in some pictures of what I wanted, and she would see me soon.

I left the house that Saturday morning, and gave me husband a grin, and said "you'll see in me in red soon". I got to the salon a little apprehensive but excited. I pulled out my clippings from magazines of beautiful red hair, more auburn, reddish brown tones that you're fire engine-red jell-o reds.

She looked at me and then said, much to my dismay, "Tasha, sweet girl, I see you a couple of times a year for a haircut, you're not ready for this, to see me every six weeks to keep this color up."

It was true, I do very little to upkeep my hair, and at this time in my life I probably wasn't ready for that much high maintenance. That's probably one of the reasons my hair has been long for so long, it's easy. I left the salon with a reddish tint in my hair from some demi-permanent color. It would was out in a month or so, and did much to satisfy my desire for red.

A few weeks later, Dave left on a trip up to WA for work. While he was gone, I purchased some brighter red, home hair color that was also wash out. Why not see if I liked it redder? After two applications and some touch-ups I felt good with my more redder outlook. I surprised Dave when I picked him at the airport, and again much to my dismay, it wasn't really noticeable, and he didn't even notice it till we got home.

I wanted something I couldn't have, but more importantly it wasn't right for me at the time.

What surprised me this morning, was that I had completely forgotten about my obsession and need for a change, for red. That was only two months ago, and yet I had let it go.

Now years down the road when I can make appointments during the day and juggling little ones isn't an issue, I may revisit red.

But more importantly I think, why did I want something so much, when it wasn't even practical, or good for me and my lifestyle (family). Why did it seem so important then, and now a few months later I barely remember it.

Thankfully the world doesn't work according to what I want, and when I want it to happen. It works according to His will and only He knows what is good for us, and what we need.

I guess I didn't need red. I may have been trying to fill some other need, or want, or maybe I just needed a change. And since I'm OK now with just being low maintenance-non red me, I must have filled that want or need with something better and more fulfilling.

Hopefully I learned a little lesson too!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Great post and good insights Tasha! Your hair is beautiful.