Monday, September 7, 2009

She's TWO!!

she did it

My sweet little girl turned two, and this is her big hurray for blowing out her candles by herself!!

She is such a joy to our family.

She loves her babies, but also loves to play with cars and especially trains.

Her favorite though, are shoes!!

She loves to play chicken with me as she climbs and stands on the top of the monkey bars in hopes of scaring me silly.

She wakes up so sweet, without tears or grumpiness like some certain boys in our home.

Raspberries are her favorite, she eats them like they were candy, and we barely leave the store without half of them eaten.

She takes baths when ever she pleases, she dresses herself, and is so ready to be potty trained, as she does it herself most days.

She has a sparkle in her eye that she is up to something, and can get into so many things and make so many messes, such an imp!!

I love this baby girl, and the sweetness and silliness she has added to our home.

We are so blessed to have you Miss Natalie!!

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