Saturday, November 15, 2008

To Do To Do

As I woke up this morning, I could hear the house calling to me, "Clean Me, Clean Me". I have let things slide for awhile, and now on the this bright Saturday morning they are clearly visible, and can't hide anymore. I have loads of laundry do, the bathrooms, the kitchen, the front room, and if I have time the car desperately needs to be cleaned out. I am on my own, since Dave is doing some network cut-overs at work, and as long as the kids just play, I "should" be able to get lots done. I am eager though, eager to clean maybe not, but eager to get things back to some sort of order yYES. Wish me luck..

1 comment:

Sassy Lu said...

Good luck! I took a lazy morning and now the girls have already put a "hurtin'" on my house. Time for me to get off the computer and get to work too!